The number one question I get asked when I tell someone about my business is, “What do you do?” They’re not sure what an online business manager does or how I can help business owners continue to grow. But let me tell you – OBMs can be vital to helping entrepreneurs flourish. Here’s the tea: […]

Business Tips, Entrepreneur Life, Time Management

August 3, 2022

Focus on Your Vision: Why You Should Work With an OBM

Have you ever heard of a brain dump? It doesn’t sound all that great, but the benefits are worthwhile. Getting our all of the thoughts constantly bouncing around in your head is an awesome tool to organize your mind, create a plan, and to help you relax. There’s so much to think about, especially with […]

Entrepreneur Life

June 25, 2022

How to Declutter Your Mind

We all know that working for yourself requires a lot of hard work, endless hours, and determination. It’s not an easy road to get started on, and maintaining your business requires just as much attention. But, being self-employed comes with so many AMAZING benefits that I think are worth celebrating! We’ve gotta acknowledge the small […]

Entrepreneur Life

June 3, 2022

5 Reasons Working for Yourself Rocks

Starting and sustaining a business isn’t for the faint of heart, and it can take a lot of work to find success. New businesses (and established ones) require near-constant attention, and learning to balance work and life can be a difficult road for even the most organized among us. One of the main reasons that […]

Entrepreneur Life

May 20, 2022

How to Keep Your Business On Track When Life Gets in the Way

Have you noticed that every time you get a free minute, you hop on your phone and start scrolling? It’s okay, you can admit it – we’ve all been there. It’s almost impossible not to when we have every piece of information we could ever need at our fingertips. But here’s my PSA for today: […]

Entrepreneur Life, Time Management

May 12, 2022

It’s Time to Unplug – Here’s How

Let’s think about a typical work day in your life as a small business owner … You probably wake up, check your social media, eat breakfast while reading some emails, and then remember you have to order some supplies online. You finally get everything you need in your cart and click ‘buy’ when another to-do […]

Time Management

May 4, 2022

Why Block Scheduling Can Up Your Productivity (And How to Do it!)

How do you communicate with your clients? Have you ever taken the time to come up with a strategy to keep in place? I know it sounds so easy, but open and clear communication takes some planning. And trust me, it’ll save you from some serious headaches down the road. Why is Communication Important? Communication […]

Business Tips

April 9, 2022

Communication Basics to Win Over Your Clients

I’m sure everyone who’s been in business for a while has had something come up with a client here and there. It’s to be expected, but it still can be frustrating depending on the situation. How do you react if a client wants to cancel? What happens if they’re trying to break a contract? That’s […]

Business Tips

March 11, 2022

What to Do When a Client Wants to Cancel

If you’re like me, you probably feel like your brain NEVER shuts off. If I had to guess, this is a pretty common experience among entrepreneurs. How can we take a minute to stop when we have 5 million things on our daily to-do list? But I’m here to tell you, if you allow yourself […]

Entrepreneur Life

February 9, 2022

Mindfulness Exercises to Add to Your Daily Routine

Today, I’m going to let you all in on a secret about time management and productivity. You see, time management isn’t about squeezing the most you possibly can out of every single second. And what’s more is that productivity isn’t about spending the most amount of time working. Both words are quite inaccurate, but lead […]

Time Management

December 29, 2021

The Truth About Time Management

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