In the fast-paced world of business, where agility is celebrated and innovation is the buzzword, the idea of standardizing anything can feel counterintuitive. After all, isn’t flexibility the key to growth? Isn’t creativity stifled by too many rules? Well, not quite. Enter Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)—often seen as the dusty, forgotten manuals tucked away in […]
As the year winds down, it’s the perfect time for small business owners like us to hit the pause button, grab a cup of coffee (or wine!), and spend a little time reflecting on the past 12 months. In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, our days fly by and sometimes we aren’t able to notice […]
If you’re a business owner, you know that running a business is an ever-changing and always evolving process (if you want to stay relevant and successful, that is). But how do you know when it’s time to make a change? Today, we’re talking about 3 ways you know it’s time to switch things up—either in […]
Welcome to 2025! The year that you’ll finally feel confident and supported as a business owner, and the year when you’ll see your biggest growth yet. To help you get closer to your 2025 goals, I wanted to share my ins and outs for the new year. Each one that I’ve included will change the […]
Many of you might have already seen that I covered this topic on my social media this week, but it’s so important that I felt the need to elaborate in a full-on blog post. How we talk to ourselves and think about our businesses are vital because our internal monologue drives our actions, and in […]
OBMs and VAs are not interchangeable roles, and should never be treated as the same type of professional. While both roles serve important purposes in your business, they have different skillsets and provide different kinds of support. When you’re deciding who to hire, take the time to think about *exactly* what you’re hoping to achieve […]
We hear the word “goals” a lot as business owners, but sometimes, it can be difficult to really understand what a goal is. It’s not the only buzzword floating around in the online space, so what is a goal when you get down to it? And why are goals so damn important? Keep reading for […]
There’s nothing more frustrating than working with a client who you feel doesn’t respect you and your business. They might be texting you constantly, adding to the scope of work without asking, expecting immediate responses, and more. When I first started my business, I let these situations get to me because I didn’t understand why […]
We’re halfway into quarter 3 of 2023 and before the end of the year, I’m focusing on getting more eyes on my website and increasing traffic! To make it happen, I’m going to be using these tried-and-true tips, so I figured I would share. Increased website traffic is so beneficial to your business because it […]
Us business owners know – there’s no time to repeat the same small tasks over and over again. So why would we?! If you haven’t yet explored the world of automations for your business, man, you’re in for a treat. Automations allow us to reclaim some of our working hours to focus on creating deliverables, […]