Are you networking in your business? As an online business owner, it can seem more difficult to network when compared to brick-and-mortar businesses, but it’s a good to get started (if you haven’t already!). There are a ton of ways to network when you’re not working face-to-face with customers, and it’s a surefire way to […]

Business Tips

June 4, 2023

6 Reasons to Start Networking as a Business Owner

If you’re like me, you probably feel like your brain NEVER shuts off. If I had to guess, this is a pretty common experience among entrepreneurs. How can we take a minute to stop when we have 5 million things on our daily to-do list? But I’m here to tell you, if you allow yourself […]

Entrepreneur Life

February 9, 2022

Mindfulness Exercises to Add to Your Daily Routine

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