Have you ever considered starting a blog for your online business? If you have, that instinct was right. If you’ve been putting it off, this is your sign to get started.
There are sooo many AMAZING reasons to blog for your business, no matter WHAT kind of online business you have. Are you working with clients? Are you completing projects? Do you have value to share? Then get on your blog game and start creating content.
First, I’ll give you the top reasons why blogging will boost your business. Then, I’ll give you the easiest, surefire way to increase your online visibility and build confidence in your brand as a whole.
This is a big one! Every time you post a blog on your site, you’re adding chances for someone to find your business. It allows you to build links back to your site, and will improve your SEO a ton.
You can use alllll of your blog content and repurpose it for social media. You’ll really get a good bang for your buck by doing this because you only have to think of the topic and write it out once. Then, you can take the same ideas and use them across all of your social platforms. As a bonus, you can drive traffic to your site by linking your new post and promoting it to your readers.
Every time you post on your blog, you have the opportunity to encourage email list sign ups. When you’re creating and sharing value for your audience, they’ll want MORE. Pretty simple, right?!
Blogging will allow more leads to find you in the online world, and when they do, they’ll learn that you’re an expert in your field. Soon, they’ll be seeking out your blog for advice, insight, and learning opportunities. You’ll become a leader in your industry, and loyal readers will share your content with others.
When people can see the value your business has before they even talk to you, they’re MUCH more likely to book. They already know that they like you, trust you, and making the decision to work with you is that much easier.
There are so many topics that you can write about for your blog, but oftentimes they require a lot of deep thought and planning. I think it’s a great idea to post blogs that are more creative when you have the time, but unless you have help, that’s not always feasible.
Okay, so here’s the easiest way to add to your blog ….
Writing case study posts or “wrap up” posts about every client project that you complete is the easiest, quickest way to build up your blog. It gives you alllll the benefits, acts as a live portfolio, and showcases how you work with clients and benefit their businesses.
The best part is that you can get started on this today! Just start writing about your latest project and click “post.”
No more excuses, business friends! Once you’ve got your blog rolling, share a link in the comments below! Other readers can find your posts and learn a little bit more about your business and offers 😊
Until next time!