Welcome to 2025! The year that you’ll finally feel confident and supported as a business owner, and the year when you’ll see your biggest growth yet.
To help you get closer to your 2025 goals, I wanted to share my ins and outs for the new year. Each one that I’ve included will change the game for your life as a business owner or your business itself—both need to be healthy for you to feel true success. No burnt out business owners here.
That’s right—no more checking your email at the dinner table, no more sending invoices at 11pm, and certainly no more pushing aside quality time with your loved ones for fear of leaving your business unattended. There are ways to make sure that your business is always working for you, whether you’re sitting at your desk or not.
There are SO many strategies to help you stick to his boundary and be able to slam your laptop shut on Friday evening with the rest of us. You can create more streamlined systems to help you work more effectively, create automations that do some of the work for you, and hire a team to support you. Trust me, implementing these small—but mighty—changes will have a lasting impact on both your well-being and your business goals.
It’s time to enter your planning era, my friend. When you start each week and each day with a plan in mind, you’re much more likely to accomplish each task without distraction. I don’t know about you, but without a plan, my mind bounces from one task to another before I’m finished, and the constant context switching is a major time suck.
You can block schedule your week so you work on specific categories of tasks on certain days, schedule out the time you’ll work on each task for the day, or simply write a daily to-do list with 3 big ones you HAVE to get done. I personally love using a digital calendar to time block my days while also using the Full Focus planner. It covers ALL of the bases, and is highly goal-focused, which I love when starting a new year. Find it here.
No one should feel like they have to sit at their desk from 9 to 5 without breaks. But so many of us find ourselves sitting down in the morning with a coffee, ready to dig into some emails, and then suddenly we blink and it’s 4:30pm.
It’s amazing to get into the groove of your workday, but pausing to take even a 5-10 minute walk will do wonders for both your body and mind. We’re getting healthy in 2025 and prioritizing our well-being in addition to our work (if we’re not already!).
Meditation, stretching, yoga, a HIIT class, walking your dog, or simply running around with your kids will help clear your mind and can even bring clarity to a task that has had you stumped. Movement is powerful, and so we’re making sure as badass business owners to get our bodies moving every single day.
It’s time to stop throwing up air quotes when you tell someone you own a “business.” You, my friend, are a business owner. It’s real, and you don’t need to downplay how much of a badass you are. I know that it can feel strange to own just how amazing you are, but I promise you, you belong here just as much as anyone else.
Everyone starts somewhere, and although you may be in the earlier stages of business ownership, you’re not disqualified from claiming space whether it be in the online world as a service provider or on your neighborhood block. When you’re confident, people will want to hear what you have to share—just make sure you’re sharing original value and showing up authentically.
Comparing yourself to others can be left in 2024, thankyouverymuch. It’s time to ditch the old habit of constantly measuring your success against your competitors. It won’t do anything for you, except make you feel bad, contribute to your imposter syndrome (see above!), and make it more difficult for you to have original ideas.
Focusing on your unique strengths and carving out your own niche will be a total game changer for you as an entrepreneuer. The business landscape has evolved, and success is no longer one-size-fits-all. Embrace your individuality, learn from others without the need for direct competition, and build a business that reflects your values and goals. It’s not about keeping up with what everyone else is doing; it’s about defining your own path to success.
I know that as business owners, we like to be in control, but I’m here to tell you that collaboration isn’t a dirty word. In fact, it’s a word that will make your life (and business) run much more smoothly if you allow yourself to embrace it. Let’s face it: trying to do everything solo in just not sustainable. I’m sorry, but it had to be said.
Collaboration and delegation are the real MVPs of 2025, and I challenge you to leave the solopreneuer mentality behind. There’s power in partnerships, efficiency in outsourcing, and absolute magic in assembling a dream team. In 2025, the key is recognizing that your strength lies not in doing it all yourself, but in curating a network of talented individuals who bring diverse skills to the table.
And the best way to start assembling your team? Bring on an online business manager (hi, it’s me!) who’s main goal is to help you build a supportive network of contractors or employees that can assist you in growing your business—without the growing pains.
Now that you know my ins and outs for 2025, tell me—which ones resonate with you the most? And what are your own ins and outs for 2025? Share (or you could say collaborate … *wink*) in the comments!